How does FTC Decarbonizer work?

What is FTC Decarbonizer? FTC Decarbonizer is a combustion enhancer that readily disperses fuel to play a catalytic role during the combustion process.

  • As scientifically accepted, some elements act as catalysts and help promote combustion. FTC Decarbonizer contains Ferrous Picrate, which produces Fe++ions, which are proven to be one of the most effective for combustion.
  • FTC Decarbonizer is a true ‘Combustion Catalyst’ in liquid form
  • Treatment Ratio from 1:1600 to 1:10,000
  • No change to fuel specifications ensuring acceptance by OEM’s

What does FTC Decarbonizer do?

FTC Decarbonizer is proven to cut your fuel costs and carbon emissions, while reducing maintenance costs:

  • Reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions
  • Eliminates hard carbon from combustion and exhaust spaces. Avoids turbocharger and DPF failures.
  • Cleaner longer lasting oil—assists extended oil drain intervals and lowers wear metals
  • Reduces exhaust smoke (DPM)
  • Full biocide—kills diesel bug

Why introduce FTC Decarbonizer to your fleet?

FTC Decarbonizer produces a more complete combustion, which provides significant maintenance savings, such as:

  • Avoiding DPF, EGR and turbo failures
  • Reduced blowby and oil consumption
  • Avoiding fuel storage tank contamination
  • Elimination of cylinder glazing
  • Reduced oil contamination, soot, wear metals etc.
  • Reduced harmful emissions

How does FTC Decarbonizer actually work?

Pre-combustion phase: FTC Decarbonizer treated fuel delivers a cleaner fuel burn, by propagating sites throughout the air/fuel mixture initiating multiple flame fronts, as illustrated:

How does FTC Decarbonizer work

Combustion phase: FTC Decarbonizer actively burns away all carbon from the combustion area and deglazes cylinders. Removes carbon from pistons, exhaust valves, turbos and diesel particulate filters.

Soot Emission Comparison

Visually, the soot reduction can be seen in Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis of soot samples presented below:

Soot Particles from an untreated engine

Exhaust sample from an engine not using FTC Decarbonizer: Visible engine emissions

Soot particles from an engine treated with FTC Decarbonizer

FTC Decarbonizer treated 1:10,000 ratio: A visible reduction in diesel smoke was recorded. FTC treatment resulted in a reduction in both the number and size of soot particles.

Typical Fuel efficiencies provided by FTC treatment of fuel

Efficiency improvements vary with engine condition and application:

  • New or reconditioned engines variable loads 3% – 5%
  • New or reconditioned engines full load 2% – 3%
  • Used engines variable loads 3% – 8%
  • Used engines full load 3% – 5%

Sample Field Testing Efficiency Mobile Equipment

Summary of what your operation can expect

  • Fuel savings of up to 8%
  • Reduced diesel particulate matter (smoke) up to 39%
  • Reduced maintenance caused by carbon fouling (eg. Eliminate DPF, EGR and Turbo failures)
  • Reduced oil consumption
  • Increased performance
  • Effective biocide­­—kills bacteria and fungus growth in fuel

For More Information on How the FTC Decarbonizer works contact us on 250-613-8086

ENC Additives are your Canadian distributor for FTC Decarbonizer and Flushing Oil Concentrate.